There inhabited only stillness and silence in the darkness.
The ancestors were in the water, surrounded by clarity.
As were the sky and the Heart of the Sky.
game - ritual
XOC is a game-ritual where the participants compete and collaborate amongst each other, with the aim of reaching a common goal: create the Mayan Being, which is made of four aspects, spiritual, conscious, earthly, and unconscious.
To achieve this, each participant must travel their own path, paying attention to their own needs and those of the other players. The wheels of time do not stop, and the result of each roll of the dice will influence the character, either beneficially or detrimentally, and the days that the travelers will live on their turns.
In the Mesoamerican world, all of creation was conformed of opposite, complementing pairs. It is for this reason that the game requires four players, each of which will incarnate a cardinal direction, representing an aspect of the universe (cosmos) and the human being (microcosmos). Each cardinal direction will be ruled by one specific deity.
scenography / action field